Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Holiday Gatherings With Your Family: Perfect Time to Promote BOX TOPS!!!


Whose homeroom will win the breakfast party?!? We'll know on Friday!

EVVMS can really rack up the funds to do good deeds if students and their families will turn in those Box Tops from food packages of all kinds. Though each Box Top makes us only one thin dime, the total will add up to thousands of dollars if everybody helps. And it's soooooooo(30 minutes later)oooooooo easy!

This holiday season, make it a point when you visit with grandparents, aunts and uncles, neighbors and friends to ask everybody to save Box Tops for you. The more, the merrier!

Some students have even asked their parents to put a Box Tops envelope in their employee lounge at the office, to encourage their co-workers to help out with the drive. It could be a holiday project for your student to make a nice poster advertising our request.

Parent volunteers Linda Lembree and Wendy Ferguson report that EVVMS is 40% toward its annual goal of Box Tops, and you can bring them in ANY time.

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